S.I.M.P.L.E. Newsletter
I know I said this last month, but I am just so blown away by the response to this newsletter.
So, if you’re brand new to this super formal and totally planned out piece of editorial journalism, 🙃 … here’s how it breaks down. 📰
The S.I.M.P.L.E. Newsletter is an acronym for
** Story. Inspiration. Music. Plab. Laugh. Educate **
Story Time!
First things first, let’s catch up on this garage renovation for the new studio, aka, the “catsita”... (for the previous story leading up to this, check out Newsletters 1 & 2)
I’ve searched far and wide to find a new contractor who could provide a realistic quote - which turned out to be about as easy as finding a black cat in a coal cellar (a cat I would most likely go on to adopt) but I am happy to report we’ve found someone and scheduled work to begin on August 25th, and it should take about 9-14 days!
This also means the cats will be returning from their temporary home and moving into the new studio, which I could not be happier about!
Oh…and btw, did I mention their catsitter got them haircuts?
Oh.my.heart 😍
In other news, I’ve started working with a health coach and have been LOVING it.
I was always a relatively healthy person, but I gotta tell ya, I hated working out.
Like I could not wrap my head around this whole “pick it up just to put it back down” nonsense, ya know what I mean? 😂
But I found a coach that I just vibe with, joined the counting calories club, and have honestly been feeling amazing 🤩 I’m already down 3 pounds in week 1, not starving, and working out daily. It’s amazing how powerful setting intention and having accountability can be. Not only that, my coach makes me customized affirmations based on my personal goals which I listen to every morning, and I have to say this is a gamechanger.
On the business side of things, we’ve also welcomed a new team member to the P.LAB family this month! Our new Executive Assistant Nicole is an absolute rockstar, and is already helping to streamline our business!
It’s been such an incredible journey building Produce Like a Boss over the last few years, but I gotta say, I was getting caught up in the day to day stuff way too much (managing the team, building systems and processes, budgets, spreadsheets, dealing with tech etc.), and it wasn’t allowing me to work on the only thing I should be doing in this business, which is creating the courses and content (speaking of new content… I want you to be the first to know that we have a sync course and a time management for musicians course coming soon… the word “pumped” is an understatement )
Daily Dose Of INSPO
So Team P.LAB and I have recently started working with a new business coach as we scale into some new and exciting territory as a company. (Believe it or not, building a business does not come with a book of instructions 😜) They have been flooding the halls of our offices (virtual, zoom-based offices, but still) with some very welcomed peaceful business energy. 🧘🏻♀️
If you’re familiar with my “vibe”, I can be very full throttle, and fast paced. It’s just how I’m wired.
Me before every zoom call
I often talk about the difference between masculine and feminine energy (not to be confused with genders) but rather just energetic characteristics, and I tend to work more in my masculine energy (assertiveness, boldness, risk-taking, structured) when it comes to business, and I’ve been really focused on trying to bring in some more feminine energy (creative, nurturing, receiving, intuitive). So it’s been very enjoyable to inject a bit more of that calming and reserved feminine energy into the business. 😌
In our business, this looks like more nurturing, consistency, less chaos, and more clarity on where we’re going and what path we’re laying out for our students to get to their success even faster.
So on that note, I wanted to share one of my big takeaways from my new coach.
I think this is so applicable to what we teach at P.LAB when it comes to music production and entrepreneurship.
I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with musicians trying to learn production who think they need to focus on honing in their guitar chops, or becoming a sound designer, rather than focusing on their zone of genius, and learning to outsource the rest….
Or producers who think they can’t start their music production business until they register as an LLC. 🤦🏻♀️
It’s so easy to get pulled in the wrong direction and start tumbling down a rabbit hole of things that don’t actually move the needle towards your goals.
And that’s why I have a coach for every area of my life.
I have a leadership coach, a business and strategy coach, a spiritual coach, and now a health coach. A great coach can spot your blind spots, and help you correct course when you’re going off track.
So, if anything this inspiration section should just serve as a friendly reminder to
Lean On Your Coach.
Even the top performers in the world have coaches, and the best investment you can ever make is in yourself.
Music Recommendation
Forget sliding into your DM’s… I wanna be sneaking onto your playlist.😉
So we’re back with another month of music recommendations.
This month I have been taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting some of the older projects I worked on… I’ve been in such “go go go - masculine - energy” that I haven’t stopped to really enjoy the work I’ve put out.
You may not know this about me but I absolutely love the genre “Trip Hop”. (Remember bands like Portis Head and Morcheeba?). So I worked on this passion project “SideTrip” with a couple of my favorite collaborators Justin Merill and Stelle Amor.
Let me know what you think… Stelle and I split the vocals, so she’s singing on some, and I’m singing on some. Can you guess who’s who? (a lot of people can’t!)
P.LAB Spotlight
Soo…. we have some awesome news.
This September we’ll be opening the doors once again to our Home Studio Boss VIP Program and, we’ve actually just partnered with a 3rd party funding company to help any student who might need assistance with funding their tuition.
So I thought I’d take this opportunity to highlight some of our rockstar students…
“I just got asked, by two major Grammy winning producers for different projects, to record vocals. And the fact that I can sing, write and produce from my own home studio is a major reason I am able to book these jobs! Thank you Ben Clarke and Kris Bradley for your badassery!!!!” |
“I am so proud of how far I've come since being in Home Studio Boss and all the other courses I've purchased from y'all. I have hired a VA, did my first custom song for a client, and have my first single scheduled for release on streaming platforms for January.” |
“I have 3 clients simultaneously and I am just floating 💕♥ Kris THANK YOU. HSB is truly magical. I'm doing the things and it's working, even at my slow and steady pace.” |
Seeing these types of results for our students is rewarding in a way I truly can’t express.
If you’d like to apply to join us in VIP, simply email [email protected] to start the application process.
Ok, so Jeff and I can’t get enough of this couple on TikTok, and this one rings SO true.. (ladies, am I right?!)
Education Station
And of course, it wouldn’t be a simple newsletter without dropping some knowledge bombs, so today I wanted to share:
The TOP 5 mistakes you're making as a freelance music producer.
If you’re a musician, and you’re trying to get work as a remote session player, producer, singer, or instrumentalist, then this video is for you.
There are TONS of places you can make money online if you can record from home, but it isn’t as easy as firing up your laptop, making some musical magic, and collecting a check.
In order to really prosper in these online markets, you have to have repeatable systems in place and proper marketing materials.
I cover it all in the short video below:
That’s all for now, but if you enjoyed this peek behind the scenes of what we’re doing at P.LAB hit that reply button and let us know!
We’re really people over here and actually check out email. So we’d love to hear from you!
Your Coach and #1 Fan XO
P.S. Our VIP program fills up fast, so if you’re interested in applying don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] to start the application process.