S.I.M.P.L.E. Newsletter
If you’re receiving this, it’s because you’re part of the P.LAB Family, which means you. are. my. people. ððŧ
So I thought it’d be cool to do a “newsletter” every month to let you know what’s cookin’ over here in both mine and the P.LAB. world.
You are reading the first official issue of our S.I.M.P.L.E. Newsletter. ð°
This is not to be confused with our world-famous S.I.M.P.L.E. Method Training. Rather, this S.I.M.P.L.E Newsletter is built to give all the behind-the-scenes goodness with me, the team, the students, and more.
Here's how it breaks down!
** Story Inspiration Music Plab Laugh Educate **
So, let's dive in, shall we?
Story Time!
As many of you know, there have been a ton of new changes in my life personally over the past few months.
I recently got engaged to the love of my life Jeff, and we JUST bought our first home together in Arizona!
It's been a hectic few weeks of boxing and unboxing, (not to mention the mosquitos here seem to think I'm a human blood bank ðĨīðđ), but we really couldn't be happier with the home and we are very excited for this next chapter in our lives.
The only downside is that…welp…poor Jeff is allergic to the cats ðĪ§
And I’m not talking “itchy eyes and mild discomfort”, I’m talking full blown can’t breathe and can’t even OPEN his eyes after exposure… SO…
We are renovating the garage to be not only my new music studio, but it will also be the new “catsita” (see what I did there ððž)
So for now, my cats are living with a local cat sitter (who happens to be amazing, AND a vet tech) and I am missing them immensely. (Let’s be real, if logistics allowed it, I would probably have like 30 cats by now ðĪŠ)
So I am anxiously counting down the days till I’m reunited with them.
But my cat love aside, it has been a really wonderful experience moving into a brand new home and getting to decorate, and renovate, and play marco polo from opposite sides of the house. #adulting
Daily Dose Of INSPO
I was chatting with one of our team members today, and he was telling me about how he was struggling to keep up with all of the freelance work he was getting as a producer.
He said it was a good problem to have and how a few months ago, he couldn't have even dreamed of having this much work, but he was starting to get overwhelmed by the demand of it all.
We chatted a lot about it and I shared a quote with him that we both really loved, so I thought I'd share it with you too.
Check this out:
"Overwhelm is just an abundance of the thing you wanted."
Isn't that awesome?
Too stressed that you have too many projects on your plate right now?
There was once a time where you WISHED you had projects to balance! :)
Doesn't that take your brain from a place of panic and stress and root it in a place of gratitude?
I’ve been keeping that one top of mind lately and it’s been really great for giving me some clarity and perspective
Music Recommendation
I love getting a good music recommendation, so I thought in every newsletter, I'd include what I've personally been putting on repeat lately.
For me, I love Lo-Fi hip hop. One of the reasons for that is because so much Lo-Fi stuff incorporates one of my other loves, which is jazz standards. I grew up living with my great-grandma, and because of her I lived and breathed (and sung) jazz standards and big band music from about 1 to 10 years old.
Me singing and dancing to showtunes in the living room at great grams house
Since work has been full tilt lately, one of my productivity hacks has been finding the perfect low-fi Spotify playlist, putting on some headphones and just dialing in the workflow.
If that sounds up your alley, you can check out my fave playlist for yourself here:
In other music news, Boomfox tracks are BACK! We took a little break to focus on the growth of P.LAB Nation but we are back in the saddle dropping new tunes just for you.
If you're an artist looking for instrumentals to write to, look no further.
Just head over to www.boomfoxproductions.com to see the latest tracks that we have for lease!
This last batch is for my country music lovers!
P.LAB Spotlight
In this section, I’ll be letting you know all the latest and greatest coming out of P.LAB and what some of our awesome students have been up to lately.
For this newsletter, I wanted to highlight one of our rockstar students Kaityln.
As a coach, there's nothing more I love than giving "Ah-HA's" ðĄ
It has been such an honor to witness such a MASSIVE transformation with Kaitlyn from Dream Queen Music.
Kaitlyn already came into our world with insane drive and determination, and now she has the FOCUS and GAME PLAN to pursue her musical goals.
Check out her mini-documentary below:
This section's pretty simple. If it made me laugh, I'm gonna share it with you
This one got me good recently ðĪĢ
I’m reallllllly trying not to chase a shiny ball here, but I think I may need to purchase a new toy. What do you think?
Education Station
The core of what we do here at produce like a boss is simplify and demystify music production. I can't tell you how many times when I was learning how to produce that I would tumble down a YouTube rabbit hole desperately searching for answers.
That's why I'm so proud of our carefully curated Youtube Channel, which is jam-packed with all killer no filler tutorials.
In every newsletter, we'll be highlighting a new training that we think you might enjoy.
Today’s one of my faves. For anyone out there who hasn't dipped their toe into the world of samples, here is a full walkthrough I did of SPLICE.
Best part about Splice? You don’t even need to play an instrument to produce music.
Check it out at the link below:
That’s all for now :)
I hope you enjoyed me peeling back the curtain a bit, I’m excited to keep you posted with the latest!
If you enjoyed this type of content, and have other news you’d like to know about, just hit reply and let me know!
Your Coach and #1 Fan XO,