We have some awesome stuff happening this AUGUST that I want you all to know about! 


Here's what we’re spillin’ for you to sponge:

  • New Music Monday, Mondays are the day we share our new stuff! Whether it's newly finished, ready to release, or a new snippet of an idea, it's a great day to share where we're at, support each other in getting where we're going, and get some feedback if that's what we'd like! Share it in our private Facebook Group Community. If you're not yet a member join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fvm2d/
  • Success Saturday, Share your favorite win from the past week and let's celebrate it together every Saturday inside our Facebook community!
  • Wed. Aug 4 at Noon PT, I’m hosting a live Fanbase Workshop with a Very Special Guest - watch your email closely over the next few days for all the juicy deets!!  You’ll have to register to get access to the live event and the limited time replay.
  • New Bonus Video!  I am always looking for ways to add value to the courses, so we recently added another bonus to FVM2D!  Check out the bonus section for a new video How to Use Automation with Ben Clarke. If you have a suggestion for future bonus content, I’d love to hear from you - here’s how: https://www.producelikeaboss.com/suggestionbox 
  • From Voice Memo 2 Demo Challenge Can you feel the energy buzzing through our community about this?  In case you’re just arriving, a Very Big Thing is on the way around here... You can win a full or partial scholarship to the upcoming brand new, next level, course Home Studio Boss! All you need to do is complete From Voice Memo 2 Demo, and ALL the bonus videos That's it!  When you do, you'll be entered for a chance to win one of those scholarships.  
    • Soon, we’ll be announcing the winner of a FULL scholarship to the Home Studio Boss VIP membership. This is a higher-touch version of the program that includes weekly mentoring with me! We’ll be randomly selecting the winner from the demos that were submitted by July 25th.
    • Everyone that completes the course and bonuses will automatically qualify for a $200 discount off the course when it launches.  
    • Not able to get it done?  Maybe you just joined, or life has taken you away from the course for a bit?  That's cool, just by being part of the community, we'll still knock off $100 for you!  🥰🤩🥳
  • The Student Referral Program is open for your referrals!  Refer a friend to From Voice Memo 2 Demo - when they sign up, they'll get special promo pricing ($100 off), and you'll get $100 for each friend that joins, either by Paypal or a Sweetwater Gift Card! *** Make sure you email us at [email protected] with the full name of your friend and the email they'll be using to join, and make sure you send them to this link to make sure they get the specially discounted price: https://www.producelikeaboss.com/referral
  • Be entered to win a $50 Sweetwater gift card when you give a testimonial   Help spread us the word about our mission to transform lives and empower thousands of musicians around the world! Leave a video or written testimonial at https://www.producelikeaboss.com/review and you’ll be automatically entered to win!  Congrats to Lindsay Crichton for winning in the most recent drawing!  Thank you sooo much for letting us know how being part of the P.LAB community and Beatmaking For Songrwiters is transforming your life!  I Loooove hearing that!! 💖💗💜